Dhanmondi Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2024 [ধানমন্ডি সরকারি বালিকা উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়]

We will discuss Dhanmondi Government Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2024 in our post today. For those of you who have applied for Dhanmondi Government Girls High School admission
and to know whether the student has been selected for this school, read our post completely carefully from the beginning to the end. Read this post to know more about it.
Also you can know about the admission notification. Dhanmondi Government Girls High School is an educational institution for girls only. Many girls want to study here every year.
Because the quality of education in this educational institution is very good. Those of you who want to study in Dhanmondi Government Girls High School can take admission in any class from sixth to tenth class only.
In that case you have to apply online first. Because in this era of information technology, if you want to get admission in any government schools, you have to apply online
and students are selected through online lottery. For those of you who want to get admission in Dhanmondi Government Girls High School in the academic year 2024,
the admission application schedule has been fixed by the Ministry of Education. For those of you who want to get admission in all government secondary schools of the country including
Dhanmondi Government Girls High School, the application period has started on 16th November and the deadline for this application is 6th December. You can apply within that period.
Those of you who want to apply for Dhanmondi Government Girls High School admission should apply for admission by visiting this website www.gsa.teletalk.com.bd.
While applying you have to select your class and school name in the application form and you must remember that you can only select any five schools while selecting the school.
Also you have to provide various information mentioned in the application form and upload your color photo. Those of you who will apply within the said period
and send the application free through SMS to the teletalk prepaid number will be completed. And the admission application fee is 100 taka.
Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024
Dhanmondi Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2024
Students will be selected through lottery after the application deadline and the result of the lottery will be published on 12 December.
For those of you who want to get admission in Dhanmondi Government High School, the result of the admission lottery will also be announced on the said date.
We will publish a list of school lottery results on our website. From there you can check whether you have been selected for Dhanmondi Government High School Admission.
After getting selected for admission in the said school, you can know various information related to admission by entering the website of that school which has its own website.