Online Application Form [Apply Link] Bangladesh Railway

Do you want to apply in Bangladesh Railway? Then read this post with full attention. Because today in this post we will discuss about Bangladesh Railway Application Rules.
Moreover, if you read this post completely, you will know how to download admit card. So read the post with full attention without delay. A few days ago some circulars were published
for the recruitment of several manpower in Bangladesh Railways. There was mention of recruitment of more manpower in some posts. Those posts are Pointsman, Mainman,
Assistant Locomotive Master, Assistant Station Master, Office Assistant etc. You can download the admit card online if you have applied for the recruitment of manpower posts.
Today we will discuss how to download admit card online. So without delay read the post with full attention. If you want to apply online in Bangladesh Railway then you can apply at several posts.
Those issues have been discussed above. Now we will discuss how to apply online. If you want to apply online then visit the link below. The link is
Entering this link will show several post names. You click there. Clicking there will ask for your important personal information. You will provide all information correctly there.
Various personal information such as: Name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, voter ID card number, birth registration number, current address, permanent address,
mobile number, email, educational qualification etc. Submit after filling all these information correctly. Later another page will appear. There you have to give scanned copy of your photograph and signature.
You have to give 300*300 pixels for image and 300*80 pixels for signature. Then submit and your application will be completed. Next you need to deposit money or application fee through SMS. Online Application
If you complete the application correctly, you will be given the application copy. You need to download and save it. Later the Admit Card link will be given a few days before the exam.
From there you have to download your admit card using user id and password. You can download the admit card from the above mentioned link.
That admit card should be downloaded in the form of PDF file. If you want to know how to download the admit card, keep an eye on our website. A post regarding this has been published on our website.
Do you want to download Railway Pointsman Admit Card? Then enter the above mentioned link. There, type the pointsman user id and password to download the admit card and submit.
Then your pointsman admit card will be downloaded. If you want to know various job related information, keep an eye on our website regularly.