Mymensingh Zilla School Admission Lottery Result 2024 [ময়মনসিংহ জিলা স্কুল]

The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has published the regulations regarding the filling of admission application and fee payment through SMS
for all government secondary schools located within the departmental city, district, upazila and Dhaka city under the jurisdiction of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary
Education in the academic year 2024. Today we will discuss detailed information in front of you through this post. Students who wish to participate in the admission process have
to fill the application through the website and complete the admission application process by paying the application fee through SMS from the Teletalk mobile operator.
Today we will discuss the admission information of Mymensingh Zilla School in front of you through this post. If you want Mymensingh Zilla School to enroll your child in this school for examination.
Of course you need to complete the application process through lottery. Need to know about that. Today we will discuss detailed information in front of you through this post.
If you read the article carefully from the beginning to the end, I hope there will be no problem, then friends, let’s start the main discussion.
Online application filling and submission of application fee started from Shunen November 11 am and last date for submission of online application is 6 December 5 pm.
Candidates will get User ID by submitting online application form within said limit. Using this user ID you can submit application fee through SMS from Teletalk mobile operator.
Last date for submission of application form is December 6 by 5 pm. I will discuss the results of the lottery draw in front of you. Those of you who applied for Mymensingh Zilla School Lottery.
You can visit our website. How to complete your application process If you read the article carefully from the beginning to the end, hopefully there will be no problem.
If you want, you can check the result through the website. You can check the result of the college lottery draw. I will give you a link. By clicking on the link, you can see the result of this lottery in a very short time.
Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024
Mymensingh Zilla School Admission Lottery Result 2024
If you want to see lottery draw results from 1st to 10th class. Then come to our website. By clicking on this link, you can view the list of designated educational institutions using the user ID that you have received.
It may be noted that the admission results of class I to IX government primary schools will be published on December 12 and the private school admission lottery results will be published on Tuesday,
December 13 at 3 pm. Hope you got detailed information through this post and if you got any more information. Here is our website, we are trying to discuss detailed information in front of you.