Mymensingh Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024 [ময়মনসিংহ সরকারি স্কুল]

Every year students are given the chance to get admission in government schools through lottery. Many students apply for admission in various reputed schools.
Mymensingh district has many government schools. Among them, Mymensingh Government School is popular. Many of you have applied to Mymensingh Government School.
Many of you know that school applications are online based. You can select a maximum of five schools at the time of application. Also the minimum 6 years of schooling is fixed for students for first class.
Students who are less than six years old cannot apply. The school application process started on 16th November 2023 from 11 AM and ended on 6 December 2023 at 5 PM.
Many of you who have applied know that the application fee is deposited through Teletalk SIM. Government teachers and affiliated employees need not apply if they want to enroll their children.
Because they are allotted a certain number of seats. School admissions should be completed by 28 December 2023. Those who have applied to government schools will be selected through lottery.
The lottery result will be published on 12 December 2023. If you want, you can see the result from the link shared in our article. Also in today’s article we have discussed the process of checking results through online.
To apply for any government school first visit website. After that the application form that will be given should be filled correctly.
Take care that no information is wrong in any way. Then if you have quota fill the quota correctly. 300×300 pixels image must be scanned and submitted. Finally, click on submit button.
If you want to click on the preview option, you can take a look at all the information. By doing this, even if you make a mistake, you can fix it. Please download the application form.
In this way any of you can apply to government schools. As the lottery result will be declared very soon, it is very important for you to know the process of checking the result.
Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024
Mymensingh Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024
To check the results online, first visit the website in the browser. Then click on the result option and enter your admission roll number.
Take care that the roll number is not wrong. Then click on submit button. After some time you will be able to see your results. If you want, you can download
and collect the PDF file of the result by clicking on the download button. Besides, the link of the result will be given in our article,
if you want, you can click to see the result. Read our articles carefully to know any important information related to admission. Hope all of you benefited from today’s article.