Dhaka College Admission 2024 Circular, Application Process

Most of the students who have taken SSC exams are worried about college admission. Many people cannot get admission in a good college despite having good results. Because they do not know the complete information about college selection.
Currently, the entire college admission process is online based. As a result many parents and students are not aware of the process. There are many students who dream of getting admission in Dhaka College.
Most of the students do not get a complete idea about the admission process in Dhaka. In today’s post, we have tried to give a complete idea about the admission process of Dhaka College.
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Dhaka College Admission 2024
We hope you will benefit through this post. Dhaka College is one of the renowned colleges in Bangladesh. Only girls get admission in this college. The journey of Dhaka College started in 1951 through Holy Rosary Church.
The founder of the college is Sister Augustine Marie. Dhaka College has now become a very popular college. Most of the students in Bangladesh want to be admitted in this college.
First you have to apply online. If you are selected then you have to be selected in the final way through Viber. EIIN Number of Dhaka College is 131962.
dhaka college admission 2024 requirements
If you read today’s post carefully, hopefully, you will know a lot about Dhaka College admissions. You can apply according to CGP in Dhaka College. A minimum of 5.00 points is required to apply in Science Department.
A minimum of 4.05 points is required for admission in business and commerce education and a minimum of 3.00 points is required for admission in humanities.
Dhaka College has 760 seats for science, 280 seats for business and 270 seats for humanities. If one wants to change the department, that is,
Dhaka College Admission Circular 2021-22
from the science branch to the business education branch, then the minimum point should be 4.25. A minimum of 4.00 points will be required to apply from the science branch to the humanities branch.
You will also need 4.00 points to apply from the business education branch to the humanities education branch. I hope you have got a lot of information about admission in Dhaka College through today’s post.
We hope you can easily apply to Dhaka College by following this process. Visit our website regularly for more information.
Dhaka College Admission Application Process
You have to apply online at Dhaka College. The first thing you need to do is-
1. http://sites.google.com/view/hcca or www.hcc.edu.bd or www.hccbd.com website.
2. Then click on the Admissions option.
3. Then click on the Admission Application option.
4. Then you have to complete the payment through bKash by submitting the required information. For the payment, you will need a little more amount of 260 takas.