Honours Upobritti (Scholarship) 2024 Circular, Apply Online

A few days ago passed away in 2021. We started this article in 2024 with your good news. Let me tell you about the 2024 stipend. Those of you who are studying under the National University.
Studying in different colleges and institutes. They can apply for a stipend. National University authorities have arranged stipends for meritorious and students. So if you are very poor or if for some reason you are unable to continue your studies.
Then you can apply for a stipend along with National University. Let’s get started. Register today. If you want to know how to apply for stipend from our website in a very short time. You can know that information.
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Honours Upobritti 2024
You are aware that the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has made arrangements for stipends from the Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust.
National University Authority. Those of you who have applied for the stipend. Qualified to receive stipend. They need to open a bank account in a very short time in the following manner.
That account number has to be submitted to the National University through the college. As you know, our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has announced a stipend of around Tk 75,000 crore every year for the expansion of education in 2015.
Scholarship for Honours Students in Bangladesh 2024
In this case, your annual income is less than one lakh taka per year. The amount of land in the City Election Commission area should be less than 0.55 percent.
Honours Upobritti 2024 Circular
Then you will qualify for the stipend. Today we will present to you the stipend information of Honours students of National University through registration.
For this, a student must be at least 75% per year and present in the classroom. GPA in each subject will be 3.5 and parents and family should be less than one lakh taka per annum.
Honours Upobritti Circular 2024
The stipend candidate should open a bKash account following the instructions given below. At the time of opening the bKash account, the enrolled student selected for the stipend must take with him a SIM registered in the name of his own parents, husband and wife.
Honours Scholarship 2024 Apply Online
Today we have the information of the 2024 stipend and who has qualified for the stipend through this registration. That, I will know the information.
Read the article carefully from beginning to end. As you know, the Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust is providing stipends for a fixed amount of Tk students every year.
student scholarship notice and apply link
Then you can apply for a stipend. Information on stipends can be found on the official website of the National University www.nu.ac.bd.
We have also discussed stipend information in detail in our other articles for your convenience. We linked those articles. From there you can find out the details.
If you want to know any more information, please let us know in the comments section of our website. We will try to tell you the best.
Sazzad Hossain
Honors upbitti