[ফলাফল দেখুন] Honours 4th Year Result 2024 (মার্কশিট সহ) Published Today at 5:00 PM

You are eager to know the results of National University Honours 4th year 2024. Today we will give you all the information through this article. As you know, the university publishes
their official website within three to four months of the end of the exam. Today we will present all the information to you through it. There was a request to read the article carefully from beginning to end.
As you already know, 1 lakh 35 thousand students participated in the Honours fourth year examinations held in 140 centers of 205 colleges under the National University.
Table of Contents
Honours 4th Year Result 2024
The National University Authority will soon release the results of Honours Fourth Year 2024 sooner than last year. Because they are planning a crash program. They will follow the academic calendar
to avoid session jams. They are eagerly awaiting the results of the fourth year. For your convenience, today we will present to you the results of Honours 4th year.
You read the article very carefully. As you know, the results of 2024 Honours Fourth Year under National University will be released on 2019 at 9 pm. A total of 214,844 students from 676 colleges participated
NU Honours 4th Year Result Published Date
in the admission test. The average pass rate in the exam is 69 percent. Test results will be available on the University website www.nu.ac.bd from 9 pm.
Check: Honours 4th Year Result 2024
Besides, you can know the result of the fourth year of Honours of the National University after 9 pm via SMS on any mobile. However, the four-year composite results will be released
one week after the CGPA results are released. You can check the results of the fourth year of the National University in two ways. Students can view the honors fourth year results online
honours 4th year result 2024 marksheet
as well as through SMS method. To get started with the student you can check the results from 5:00 pm via SMS (mobile text message) and the other way online from 7:30 pm online.
www.nu.ac.bd result honours 4th year
If any student really wants to know the result of 4th year through the information then follow the following: NU <SPACE> H4 <SPACE> Write the roll number 16222. For an example: send to NU H4 35653 and 16222.
National University is the largest university. Each year, a large number of students pass the NU EDU BD. Honours has 4th course programmer for 4 years.
honours 4th year result 2024 session 2016-17
This is the result of Honours final year. Honours 4th year examinations started from October this year. Now is the time to check your Honours 4th year exam results in 2024.
We will publish more notices from National University here. If you visit our website then you will get the results of 4th year honors of National University.
So friends, through this article, I gave you the results of the fourth year of your national university. There was a request to know the information from the beginning to the end of the article.