Vidyamayee Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2024 [বিদ্যাময়ী সরকারি বালিকা উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়]

Getting good results in any exam is an important thing in the life of students. Every student wants to score well in any exam. Getting admission in a good school is a must for getting good results.
Many take the admission test in various reputed schools to get good results in the exam. Now a new rule has been added to the education policy. According to the education policy of 2024,
all government schools of the country have to participate in the lottery process. No examination will be accepted in the lottery awarding process.
Also the minimum age of the student has been fixed at six years for admission in the first class. The admission application process will be online based. However, the number of seats is fixed
for the children of government teachers and employees. So even if they don’t apply, it will continue. Among the reputed schools, Vidyomayi Government Girls High School is one of the well-known.
This is very old school. Mymensingh district is the most reputed secondary school. PSC, JSC, SSC, SSC exams are available in this school. Every year numerous students
from Vidyamoyi Government Girls School achieve good results. This school has three sections for secondary students. Such as science, business education and humanities.
There are 289 seats in science stream. There are 225 seats in business education branch. And Humanities stream has 300 seats. If you want to apply to Vidyamoyi Govt Girls School then
you must submit birth registration card at the time of application. If you want to apply for 6th standard, you have to pass the annual exam from any primary school.
Also a TC of the primary school from which you have passed should be submitted to Bidamayi Govt Mahila Vidyalaya. Any information related to admission
you can get on website. To apply in Vidyamoyi Govt Mahila Vidyalaya you have to pay Tk 110 to Teletalk SIM. You can select a maximum of five schools while applying.
The admission application process will start from 16th November 2022 and will end on 6th December 2022. Admission result will be selected through lottery.
Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024
Vidyamayee Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2024
The result will be published on 12 December 2022. Many of you don’t know the rules of getting result through online. To see the result first go to the browser and enter the website
Then click on the result option. Then the admission roll should be given. Finally click on submit button. Results will be visible after some time. If you want to download the pdf file of admission test result,
then you can download the pdf file of admission result by clicking on the link shared in our article. Students should complete the admission process by 28 December 2022. Hope today’s article is useful to all of you.