KDA Khan Jahan Ali Govt High School Admission Lottery Result 2024 [কেডিএ খান জাহান আলী সরকারি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়]

At present a great change can be observed in the education system. As before, after applying to the schools, one had to pass the exam and get admission in the school. Now that rule no longer exists.
Due to the coronavirus, new rules have been introduced in the education system. Admission to schools is now decided by lottery. There are many government schools in every division of Bangladesh.
Among these KDA Khan Jahan Ali Government High School is one of the reputed schools. Every year many students get good results from this school.
This school has the opportunity to study from first class to secondary class. Generally, according to the current education system, a student must be at least 6 years old to be admitted to the first class.
So, to get admission in this school in the first class, you have to follow this condition. This school has three sections in class IX. One is science branch, another is business education branch
and another is humanities branch. Science stream has the highest number of seats. Every year many students get GPA five from this school in secondary examination.
As a result, most of the people apply every year hoping to get admission in this school. To apply to this school one has to apply through online. Application fee has to be submitted through Teletalk SIM.
Application fee is only 110 taka. In today’s article, we have discussed the rules for checking lottery results. So if you read the article carefully from the beginning to the end then everyone will benefit.
All of you know that government schools applications are already over. The application result will be published very soon. According to sources, the lottery results will be announced on 12 December.
Many of you have applied to KDA Khanjahan Ali Government High School. Everyone who applied is worried about the result. For their convenience, in today’s article,
Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024
KDA Khan Jahan Ali Govt High School Admission Lottery Result 2024
we have discussed the rules for extracting the results. If you want to check the result online then first of all you have to visit the official website of the government school.
The website is http://gsa.teletalk.com.bd. After entering this website first click on result option. The next thing to do is to enter the correct roll number which was informed through the message while applying
for admission. Finally, you can see the result after clicking the submit button. Many of you do not get results in this process. Result pdf file is shared in our article for their convenience.
If you want, you can save the result by clicking the download button. Hope today’s article has played an important role for everyone. Read our articles carefully to know all kinds of important information related to school admission.