Govt Muslim High School Admission Lottery Result 2024 [সরকারি মুসলিম উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়]

Are you looking for Government Muslim High School Admission Lottery Result? Then you are in the right place Because today in this post we will discuss about Government Muslim High School Admission Lottery Result.
I will discuss in detail about the date on which the results of this lottery will be published. So read the post carefully if you want to know everything.
In 2024, the admissions to the secondary category will be completed by lottery. No student will be admitted through examination this year. The official application for that purpose has been completed.
The application was completed from 16 November to 6 December. The lottery will be done from among the students who have completed this application.
This year, there was an opportunity to keep a minimum of five schools on the preference list for secondary school applications. If you have put Government Muslim High School in your choice
list then read this post with full attention. Application completed this year for Madhyamik admission in 2024. Lottery result of this application will be released on 12th December.
The government schools exam results will be released on December 12 at 2 pm and the private schools exam results will be released on December 13 at 3 pm. Applicants can check
their desired result online with user id and password. 110 taka as application fee has been collected from all the students who have applied online this time.
This year application is made from following website After completing the application students were given a user ID, a password and application copy.
That application copy must be required at the time of admission. Application copy must be submitted at the time of admission. Moreover, user ID and password must be remembered.
Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024
Govt Muslim High School Admission Lottery Result 2024
If a student has forgotten the user id or password then they can retrieve it very easily. If a student has forgotten the User ID, they can retrieve it through the password.
That method is GSA<space>Help<space>PIN<space>PIN No should be written and sent to 16222 number. If a student has forgotten the password
and remembers the user ID, then the student can collect the password through the following method. GSA<space>Help<space>User<space>User ID should be sent to 16222.
According to the Education Policy 2010, the age of the student must be at least 6 years for admission in the first class. Otherwise, students below six years cannot be admitted to the first class.
If you want to know various information about education or want to be the first to know the latest information about secondary admission lottery results, check out other posts on our website.