School Admission

Chittagong Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2024 [চট্টগ্রাম সরকারি বালিকা উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়]

Chittagong Government Girls High School is the center of interest of many students of Chittagong district. The main reason for this is that Chittagong Government Girls High School is at the top

among other schools in Chittagong. That’s why many express interest to get admission in this school. In 2024, the admissions in the secondary category will be done through lottery.

Those of you who are interested to know about Chittagong Government Girls High School admission lottery result read this post carefully. We will discuss this in detail today in this post.

Class of 2024 students who will be admitted to secondary school will be admitted through lottery. No students will be admitted through examination this year.

Therefore online application is completed from 16 November to 6 December. All students who participate in that application will be deemed to participate in the lottery.

The result will be published on 12 December in view of the said application. The result will be declared at the International Mother Language Institute in Dhaka at 2 pm.

If you want to get your child admitted in Chittagong Government Girls High School then first of all you have to wait for the lottery result. Lottery results of government schools will be declared

on 12 December at 2 pm and private secondary school exam results will be declared on 13 December at 3 pm. Students who pass the lottery can get admission in certain colleges or institutions.

This year the application is completed on the following website Students had the opportunity to choose a minimum of five schools while applying on the website.

In the case of students, the results will be released through lottery consistently. Later a specific time will be fixed. Students must be admitted to the specified school within the said period.

A fixed fee will be fixed which has to be paid to the respective school. Students had to deposit 110 TK as application fee in case of completion of online application.

Students are given a User ID and PIN number after completing the application. The user id and pin number will be required during the admission process. With pin number and user id a student can know his result

Govt School Admission Lottery Result 2024

Chittagong Govt Girls High School Admission Lottery Result 2024

and download application copy. The application copy must be submitted to the school during the school admission process. User ID and PIN number must be known for that application copy.

If the user ID is forgotten or lost, you can recover the user ID according to your own rules. Go to the message option of the mobile and type

GSA<space>Help<space>User<space>User ID should be sent to 16222. Again, if the password is forgotten or lost even though the user ID is remembered, the password can be recovered using the following rules.

Go to the mobile message option and type GSA<space>Help<space>PIN<space>PIN No and send it to 16222. Keep an eye on our website for the latest information regarding admission to secondary schools.

Check Live Result

Check Live Result is a popular website related to education in Bangladesh. From this website, you can find all the updated information about education. Our website publishes exam result, routine, admission notification and result. We also provide all updated information regarding school, college and university admission.

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